Inculcating Equity

NHSA-AIM CCI defines diversity as the differences that embrace our uniqueness and who we are. This entails differences including ideological, intellectual, economic, gender, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, religious, age, racial, cultural, ethnic, visible, and invisible disabilities, veteran status, social economic status, language, national origin, and all the diversity of our personnel, partners, contributors, and collaborators.
Inclusivity + Belonging
Inclusion begins with the intentional effort to critically address the needs, wants, and quality of life of populations that are historically disenfranchised. Our focus emphasizes sustainable integration, support to authentically nurture diversity rather than to augment the number of diverse individuals to routinely create equity.  Belonging is a sense of holistic safety (e.g., psychological, emotional, physical, social, and mental) that affords the ability for all individuals from diverse backgrounds, race, cultures, and belief systems to be their authentic selves without fear of judgement; where everyone can achieve their optimal potential because they feel accepted, respected, valued, and heard.
Racial Equity
The process by which NHSA-AIM CCI aims to achieve racial fairness among all individuals through the development and amalgamation of effective resources and opportunities such that policies, structures, and their implementation strive to eliminate historical, systemic disadvantage for the benefit of everyone.  Racial equity is achieved when the color of an individual’s skin no longer determines his/her/they’re outcome on holistic care and wellness and life expectancy. This ultimately includes the eradication of systemic policies and practices, attitudes, and cultural beliefs that reinforce and perpetuate differential outcomes resulting from racism. Racial equity demands an unequal response of resources to proportion each individual and broad communities contingent on individualized need.
Respectful Equitable Care
NHSA-AIM CCI endorses the ideals of Respectful and Equitable Care which promotes a radical shift in practice to reduce inequities of health outcomes and practice. Respectful and Equitable care espouses a reformed approach towards provider training and socialized practice to bring awareness to and radically interrupt racial inequity and biases. NHSA-AIM CCI promotes an actionable approach towards medical training and quality improvement that will ultimately move the needle towards equitable models of care, while eradicating the normalized approach to institutionally racist systems.
Community Integration
All aspects of NHSA-AIM CCI programming are community-centered and aims to integrate community as its core value across resource and policy development. NHSA-AIM CCI defines community as a fundamental component influenced by a population’s cultures and belief systems that are comprised of different parts which represent specialized functions, activities, or interests. Community describes the social and political networks that link individuals, community organizations, and leaders. Understanding these networks are critical to NHSA-AIM CCI planning efforts of engagement.

About the NHSA-AIM CCI Racial Equity Learning Series (RELS)


Recent maternal mortality data released by the CDC National Health Statistics in February 2022 showed that maternal deaths in the U.S. increased from 754 in 2019 to 861 in 2020.  New reports show an overwhelming number of deaths are preventable. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 80%, or roughly 4 in 5 maternal deaths in a two-year period were preventable.  More than 90% of Indigenous mothers’ deaths were preventable, with most due to mental health conditions and hemorrhage. Non-Hispanic Black mothers and birthing persons remain three times as likely as their White counterparts to die, making up a 3rd of deaths from 2017-2019.   Inequitable treatment during pregnancy and the postpartum period is a significant factor in this tragic disparity, and racism is at the root of such inequity.  


We hope our compilation of equity-focused resources are useful and applicable to individuals and organizational teams, to deepen your understanding of the devastating effects of racism and explore strategies to combat racism from the waiting room to the board room, and beyond.  


RELS Resources

RELS is comprised of seven modules. Each module contains topic information, activities, and a short, scored quiz designed to build upon the former module. Topics in the modules include, but are not limited to the acknowledgement and acceptance of racism, institutional transformation, personal, and systemic change.


RELS is accredited by the American Public Health Association, allowing the learner to earn a total of ten (10) Continuing Education Credits (CEC) for the entire series at no cost. CEC will be available to varying disciplines, including Continuing  Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Nursing Education (CNE). 

Family with Ultrasound

The RELS Leadership User Guide is tailored for CEOs, managers, clinical and non-clinical directors, and other organizational leaders, such as HR and training managers.  The guide offers support across the leadership spectrum, including a dashboard unique to an organization that will enhance the team’s development.

FINALv3RELS Leadership User Guide- cover without authors

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