Our Approach

Leveraging Connections in the Community

AIM CCI is taking a unique approach to improving maternal health outcomes by partnering directly with local community organizations. Local organizations understand the unique experiences and unmet social needs of birthing persons in their region. Through this partnership, we are seeking to build a culture and structure of health care that ensures birthing persons receive equitable treatment based on all of their needs.

Our Core Philosophy

By elevating the voice and wisdom of the community, we can close the gap between what care birthing persons need and what the clinical system offers.

Collective Impact


Reducing maternal mortality and morbidity at the community level


Developing a shared measurement system to collect data and measure results


Coordinating partners’ efforts into an overarching plan that serves the goals of the respective entities and the collaborative


Coordinating clear and transparent communication internal and external to the AIM CCI collaborative


Lead organization for each community’s AIM CCI collaborative

Common Agenda

  • Each participating partner has a common understanding of the issue and shared vision for change
  • Each site holds a shared vision of change in alignment with the overarching goals of AIM CCI
  • Each site follows a systematic approach for convening Local Maternal Safety Workgroups (LMSWs) to implement Maternal Safety Bundles (MSBs)
  • Each LMSW is committed to solving issues through agreed upon actions

Shared Measurement

  • Ensures all efforts remain aligned
  • Enables participants to hold each other accountable, and document progress from each other’s successes and failures

Mutually Reinforcing Activities

  • The AIM CCI Collective Impact approach is driven by a diverse group of stakeholders working together
  • Each participant undertakes the specific set of activities at which it excels in a way that supports and is coordinated with the actions of others to implement Maternal Safety Bundles

Continuous Communication

  • It is advised to select a Backbone Support Organization with already existing collaborations and processes in place to lead the LMSW and serve as the communication hub
  • Bi-weekly or monthly meetings among the partner organizations’ CEO-level leaders are optimal for establishing rapport and developing trust
  • Meetings should follow a structured agenda (an AIM CCI meeting agenda template is provided as a resource)
  • Communication across communities implementing AIM CCI for information sharing on lessons learned and best practices is suggested

Backbone Support Organization

  • A leading support organization and staff with a specific set of skills
  • Requires a dedicated staff separate from the participating organizations who can plan, manage, and support the initiative through ongoing facilitation, technology and communications support, data collection and reporting, and handling the myriad logistical and administrative details needed for the initiative to function smoothly.

AIM CCI Approach

Who are Local AIM CCI Partners?

Local partners include all community providers or representatives from provider organizations that treat, interact, advocate for, and serve pregnant and postpartum women. To implement AIM CCI at the local level, we recommend a structure that includes an overarching advisory council comprised of partners from groups as noted below, a subset of which will form the implementation team or workgroup.

Implementation: The IMPLEMENTATION GROUP meets monthly. This group should be able to implement the bundle elements and collect and share aggregate data relative to AIM CCI performance measures. The model allows you to include local partners that may be exclusive to your community. Who might that be?

Advisory: The LMSW meets monthly. These are relationships that you may cultivate to garner high-level support, advise on best practices, or otherwise leverage their interest in guiding and supporting the initiative.

Awareness: The AWARENESS GROUP are those community partners that you might consider MCH champions that should have AWARENESS of the AIM CCI activities in your community. This group may be invited to LMSW meetings or kept abreast via mailing lists and individual meetings as milestones are achieved.

* The agencies/organizations depicted on this image are EXAMPLES of partners.

Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health - Community Care Initiative (AIM CCI)

January 2023

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